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Secretary Info is a subscription service that provides information about upcoming dog events. We provide the following in order to make entering events convenient for our subscribers.
Each exhibitor’s My Local Events page shows upcoming trials for their region. In addition, the exhibitor's My Favorites page shows upcoming events for their favorite clubs and event sites. The My Clubs/Sites page allows a subscriber to choose these events, as well as receive emails automatically about upcoming opening and closing dates. Subscribers can search for events in our database using your club name, the trial site, the state, the trial date, or other features. Or they can find all events in their area by using our search by miles feature. Your club’s trials will automatically appear in the list for any exhibitor in your area.
When a subscriber decides to enter an event, our site automatically prints easy-to-read, official entry forms, completely filled-in with accurate entry fees that can be mailed to the trial secretary. For clubs that choose to use our service, we offer Online Entries, following the AKC’s procedure, for AKC agility trials.
Any secretary for an upcoming event can use our Online Entry service without charge. The secretary's home page has all the same features as a regular subscriber, but also lists the events for which she is acting as secretary. For AKC agility trials offering Online Entry, the secretary's page lists the entries received and has links for downloading the entry information and printing the entry forms. We handle any refunds that result from an exhibitor changing or pulling an entry prior to closing. Once the trial has closed, Lab Tested Online LLC will mail a check for the total online entry fees to the trial secretary. We also offer the option of an online waiting list. We can manage multiple ISC classes per day and separate ISC or T2B fees, a Weekend Package fee and Junior Handler fees.
Our online entry system is easy to use as a secretary. Online entries are organized into groups -- all new or changed entries appear on your New page, all entries that you have entered into your program are on your Downloaded page, and pulled entries are on the Pulled page. Each dog's entry is on one entry form with all trials shown. And for the exhibitors, our site is has the lowest service fees -- one-third to one-half the fees charged by the AKC.
Secretary Home Page | New Entries Page | Downloaded Entries Page |
Advantages to Club
Advantages to Secretary
We are here not only to help our subscribers enter trials, but to help the clubs and secretaries get as many entries as possible as well. Please contact us for more information.