The solution to entering agility events.

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General Site and Subscription Information

What is this website? is a subscription service that provides complete information on upcoming AKC agility trials; stores the information you need to enter an event; prints completed, official entry forms; and offers “Online Entries” as described by the AKC.


What do I need to do to use the site?

You must subscribe to in order to use the site. The subscription fee is $10 per year.  We offer a free 6-month trial period for new users.


How do I sign up?

Click the Subscribe link in the top right corner of our website and fill out the New Subscription information form. The name, address and contact information entered here will appear in the Owner section of the entry form. Each dog owner must have his/her own account so that the owner is correct on the entry form. You will also need to enter your dogs’ information before you can enter an event or fill out an entry form.



Personalizing My Site

How do I change my information?

Click on My Profile and make the changes.  Click Save.  NOTE: Some people cannot save changes on this page. Please contact us if your changes are not saved and we will update your information.


What do you do with my personal information? uses the information you enter to fill out completed entry forms and process credit cards. We do not otherwise give or sell your information to outside parties. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.


How do I add or change my dog’s information?

Click on the My Dogs link to view, edit or add dogs. You will see all the dogs you have added, organized by Active and Inactive status.  All required information must be completed to enter an event with that dog.  You may also permanently remove a dog from your list by clicking the Remove option.  NOTE: If you are using an Apple device, any apostrophes in your dog's information (name, sire name, dam name) may not print correctly.  Apple devices have many types of apostrophes and non-Apple devices cannot interpret them.


Why are some of my dogs not listed on the event entry page?

Only dogs eligible to enter an event are shown. Dogs must be the correct age to enter the event and must have all the required information entered.  Only dogs with active status are shown on the entry page.


Where do I see the events that I’ve entered?

Click on My Entries to see the events you have entered. From here, you can review your entries, see the information for the event, or view/print your dogs’ entry forms.  You can also change your entry from this page. Entry forms created through My Blank Forms are not stored on


What events are listed on My Local Events?

The events listed are upcoming events within the mileage radius set as your default. Only events that have not closed are shown.  You may modify the distance on your My Profile page.


What events are listed on My Favorites?

The events listed are upcoming events for the sites and clubs you have set under My Clubs/Sites. Only events that have not closed are shown.  You may modify these events by clicking My Clubs/Sites.


What is My Clubs/Sites?

My Clubs/Sites allows you to customize the events shown on your My Favorites page. You can choose your favorite sites and clubs. All events for those sites/clubs will appear on your My Favorites page. In addition, if you choose, will send you email notifications prior to these events opening and closing.  At any time, you can edit these notifications or turn them off.


What is My Blank Forms?

My Blank Forms allows you to create and print completed entry forms for any AKC event except agility. The information stored in My Profile and My Dogs will be automatically entered in the form. Event information such as club name, site, total entry fees due and classes may be added using the fill-in boxes. These entry forms are not stored on To change any entry that used an entry form created in My Blank Forms, you must contact the event secretary.

How much does it cost to subscribe?

Subscription is $10 per year. If you enter an event using our “Online Entries" service, there is an additional 5% credit card service fee based on your entry fees. This service fee is non-refundable if you cancel or change your entry for the event.



Entering Trials and Types of Entries

How do I find events?

Upcoming events for your region are shown on your My Local Events page. Upcoming events for your favorite clubs and sites are shown on your My Favorites page. You can also search for events using one of our Search features -- either enter part of the club name or site name, select a state, or open the Advanced Search page to search by date, club, site, zip code, classes, judge or secretary -- and all events matching the criteria will be shown. You can also set up email notifications on the My Clubs/Sites page so that you can know when an event is about to open or close.


How do I enter an event?

Once you have entered your dog’s information, you are set to enter an event. Lists of events are shown on My Local Events, My Favorites and the search result page. Clicking the circle 'i' icon to the right of an event will display all the information you need about the event. If you decide to enter, click the Create Entry link and select the dogs, days and classes you want to enter. You then choose whether to print and sign your completed entry form and mail the form and payment yourself or if offered, enter the trial through “Online Entries” and pay by credit card. Please note, a 5% credit card fee is added to your total entry fees. (For more information about entry types, see descriptions below.)


What is “Print and Mail”? will create an official entry form for the event based on the dogs, days and classes you have selected. You must print the form for each dog entered, sign it and send it with payment to the event secretary.


What are “Online Entries”?

The AKC has defined a specific online entry method for use with AKC agility trials called “Online Entries.”  For complete details please visit the AKC at  Accepting entries online is optional for the club and must be determined prior to the trial’s opening date. Only one online entry provider is allowed and that provider is published in the event’s premium list. Entries taken online are considered to be accepted immediately into the trial at the time the entry and payment have been processed by the online entry provider. Trials accepting online entries must limit how many runs can be accepted by this method; this limit may be changed by the trial secretary at any time after 48 hours after opening, if desired.


When can I enter a trial with "Online Entries"?

You cannot enter a trial until the opening date and time. For trials offering "Online Entries", that entry method option will be available as soon as the trial opens. Before the trial opens, you can create the entry as "Print and Mail" and save it.  When the trial opens, go to My Entries, click the Add Dog or Change Entry link, then click the Add A dog or Change Entry or Entry Method link on the summary page. Confirm your entry on the entry screen, and then change the entry to an "Online Entry" on the review screen to enter instantly.


What if I do not get in all runs with an "Online Entry"?

The number of runs accepted by "Online Entries" is limited. This limit can be changed by the event secretary any time 48 hours after the trial opens. Runs may also become available as dogs are withdrawn from the trial. If you do not get in all runs online, you can:

  • Enter the other runs using "Online Entries" if and when more runs become available
  • For a trial that takes online waiting list entries, accept the waiting list for your entries
  • Enter the trial by "Print and Mail"

Your dogs are entered into the trial in the order shown on the entry screen.  If you want a specific dog to be entered in the trial, you can uncheck the other dogs entries to get the preferred dog in first. 

How are entry fees determined?

Entry fees are set by the hosting club and can be found on the Trial Summary page for each event. Our website can accomodate up to 5 fees per day. Package fees are calculated based on all runs offered. If a trial uses a different type of package fee, the entry fees calculated will be incorrect. charges a 5% non-refundable service fee, based on the total entry fees due, for our Online Entry services.


How do I sign an entry if I pay by credit card?

If you enter using “Online Entries,” you will electronically sign your entry.


Does store my credit card information?

No, does not store credit card information after processing.  Please see our Privacy Policy for additional information.

How do I enter both Regular and Preferred classes or 2 different jump heights?

Because the AKC requires separate entry forms for a dog entered in both Regular and Preferred or in 2 jump heights on the same day, you must add a second "version" of your dog.  The second version should have a marker added to the call name to distinguish it from your original dog - for example, a "P" or a "2" added to the call name.  Use the original version of the dog to enter Regular classes (or height) and the new version to enter Preferred classes (or second jump height).  NOTE: The website will see these as 2 different dogs and charge the first fee for both.  If you enter as an "Online Entry", we will reimburse the overpayment at closing. If you enter as a "Print and Mail Entry", you will need to calculate the correct entry fees due.


How do I change my entry?

How you change your entry depends on how you entered the event.

  • “Print and Mail” – If you have not mailed your entry, you can go to My Entries and click Add Dog or Change Entry, then click Add New Dog or Change Entry or Entry Method on the summary page.  On the entry screen, make the changes and click Confirm and then click Confirm on the review screen. Then print your new entry form and mail. If you have already sent your entry, you must contact the event secretary to change it.
  • “Online Entries” – Go to My Entries and click Add Dog or Change Entry for the event. Click Add New Dog or Change Entry or Entry Method, make the changes and click Confirm. Do NOT removed your dog(s) from the classes originally entered unless you want to pull from those runs. If you have added runs, you will need to re-enter your credit card information on the review screen.  You will only be charged for the runs added.  Credit card service fees are not refundable. will notify the event secretary that your entry has been changed. NOTE: Entries cannot be changed online after closing.  You must contact the trial secretary directly for move-ups and other changes allowed after closing.

 How do I cancel an entry for an event?

If you entered an event with “Online Entries,” you can cancel your entry through our website until the event closes. You will receive a refund check or your credit card will be refunded for the amount charged, less the credit card service fee, within 5 business days. If you entered by “Print and Mail,” you must contact the event secretary to pull your entry and receive a refund, since you have sent your entry and fees to the event secretary. 


How do I print my entry form?

Immediately after completing an entry, you will have the option to print your completed entry form. At any other time, you can print the entry form by going to My Entries and clicking View Printable Entry Form.


Can I print blank entry forms?

You can print entry forms for all AKC events except agility pre-filled with your information and your dog's information under My Blank Forms.  Just choose an entry form type, choose the dog, and fill in the club name, event date, fees due, and all entry information for the event you wish to enter.  


Can I enter someone else’s dog?

You can add dogs you do not own to your My Dogs list.  When you get to the owner section, check No in answer to 'Are you the owner of this dog?'.  You can then fill in the actual owner's information so that it is printed on the entry form.


Why doesn’t the agility entry screen show all jump heights?

The entry page will show only the jump heights your dog is eligible to enter based on the height entered under My Dogs.



Trial Information

How do I get the premium list?

The Trial Summary page - accessible by clicking the circle 'i' icon on My Local Events, My Favorites and My Entries pages - has a link to the premium list if we are able to locate it. It also has links to the club and secretary websites, if they exist. You should be able to download the premium list from one of these sites.


Will I receive an email confirmation from the trial secretary?

Each event secretary handles email confirmations according to individual policy. Please check the premium list to determine the secretary's policy.


What if I need to do a move-up after I have entered a trial?

You must contact the the event secretary for move-ups and all other changes that occur after closing.


How do I contact the event secretary?

The Trial Summary page, opened with the circle 'i' icon, lists the event secretary’s address. To email the secretary, click the Email link next to the secretary's name.


Where do you get the information on the website?

Information on upcoming events is taken from the calendars of the various organizations on a weekly basis.  If there is a discrepancy in information, we will attempt to call that to your attention in a Notes box on the Trial Summary page. Links to the actual AKC Event page are provided on the Trial Summary page.  Because we rely on other organizations for event information, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.
